Monday, May 7, 2012

Love VS budget

  I used to think this way if you ask my opinion about love and money:

 "love" is nothing but a marketing scheme - there are no real emotions behind it anymore other than "Oh I love this person, what can I BUY them to show them"

I dont think theres a person left today that can truly explain the concept of "love" without tossing in something related to mass marketing. Products are designed to tell the other person what we're incapable of telling them ourselves
Why my answer is like that??? its just because right here right now, the only way for me to getting close to the person who I love with is just trought the money hahahah

but then a lot of my friends complain to me about it, thats make me start to thinking hmmmm for me love is more than matrealistic thing.

Materialism is always and it will always be materialism. No materialistic things can bring happiness to you are to your beloved ones. People are very much concerned about materialism and they are very much addicted towards these kind of things. This is the fact of the life and for this whom should be blamed. No one can be blamed cause the blamed will blame the other person and the chain continues for ever.

How to stop this chain which makes loves a materialistic thing ? Each and every single individual should take necessary steps to make love eternal, divine and for ever a state of happiness. People say meta physics would help and there have been poets like John Donne, Samuel Johnson and many others... In vain !!!!.

Love can never be defined as it is not a definite particle. Only definite particles can be defined and their shape can be said easily but that is not the case with that of love. Love is formless. Love has no definite shape. Love is shapeless and can pass till eternity.

Materialistic happiness is short term and you will never find any kind of happiness in it. So what is meant by materialism ? When money and other things related to money becomes a addiction, then your focus will only be on such few things and not on love. Love is something that can be expressed in any form. It can be expressed in only one form and that form is called love.

Leave all those materialistic things and come with open hands to embrace the loved ones like a mother.

Do all the stupid things and be yourself with your loved ones. Then you will know what a true love is and what is materialistic love.

Materialistic love is not something that will bring pleasure and happiness. So all your materialistic things from your mind cause it is highly impossible for us to leave the materialistic things for us.



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